دفتر مرکزی گروه مشاوران حقوقی و مهاجرتی راستین کانادا در ونکوور کانادا قرار دارد و در حال حاضر هیچ نماینده، شعبه‌ و دفتری در ایران ندارد.
عضو رسمی کالج مشاوران مهاجرت و شهروندی کانادا (CICC) شماره عضویت R507148

فهرست مشاغل مورد نیاز استان بریتیش کلمبیا بر اساس طرح پیش‌بینی ۱۰ ساله ۲۰۱۸-۲۰۲۸

کد شغلیNOC TYPEپیش‌بینی تعداد مورد نیاز استانمتوسط دستمزد (hr/$)عنوان شغلی
001201,200$48.52Senior government managers and officials
001305,100N/ASenior managers - financial, communications
and other business services
001402,100$37.29Senior managers - health, education, social and
community services and membership organizations
001503,500$36.91Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services
001603,900$47.65Senior managers - construction, transportation,
production and utilities
04,700$40.86مدیر مالیFinancial managers
011202,300$34.19Human resources managers
011301,600$37.56مدیر خریدPurchasing managers
011402,700N/AOther administrative services managers
012103,300$42.56Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers
012204,100$41.03Banking, credit and other investment managers
012403,500$38.00Advertising, marketing and public relations managers
012502,100$32.31Other business services managers
021101,200$50.75مدیر در صنایع مهندسیEngineering managers
02120600$39.44مدیر در بخش علوم و معماریArchitecture and science managers
021304,800$43.27Computer and information systems managers
04120500$41.66Government managers - economic analysis, policy
development and program administration
04140500$47.80Other managers in public administration
042101,300$36.89Administrators - post-secondary education
and vocational training
042201,700$41.96مدیر و معاون مدرسهSchool principals and administrators of
elementary and secondary education
042302,500$38.46Managers in social, community and correctional services
05120800$29.42Managers - publishing, motion pictures,
broadcasting and performing arts
051301,000$26.03Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors
060104,700$36.35Corporate sales managers


020,600$28.00Retail and wholesale trade managers


07,800$18.75Restaurant and food service managers


02,900$24.00Accommodation service managers


02,000$21.63Managers in customer and personal services
071202,900$20.00Home building and renovation managers
071404,800$35.10Facility operation and maintenance managers
073103,000$35.00Managers in transportation
082103,200N/Aمدیر در بخش کشاورزیManagers in agriculture
09120800$45.05Utilities managers
-N/AN/ANurse Practitioners
1111A10,800$27.88Financial auditors and accountants
1112A1,600$33.52Financial and investment analysts
1113A1,300N/Aکارشناس سرمایه‌گذاری و اوراق بهادارSecurities agents, investment dealers and brokers
1114A6,600$32.31Other financial officers
1121A3,100$32.05کارشناس منابع انسانیHuman resources professionals
1122A4,800$36.00Professional occupations in business management consulting
1123A4,300$27.00Professional occupations in advertising,
marketing and public relations
2131A3,900$35.00Civil engineers
2147A1,100$40.50Computer engineers (except software
engineers and designers)
2171A8,700$38.46Information systems analysts and consultants
2173A4,800$38.46Software engineers and designers
2174A8,000$38.46Computer programmers and interactive media developers
2175A2,300$25.00طراح و توسعه دهنده وبWeb designers and developers
3012A47,396$37.00Specialty registered nurses
3112A6,218**$209,000*Family physicians*
3143A2,200$38.42Occupational therapists
A3,800$38.46مدرس و استاد دانشگاه University professors and lecturers
4021A4,000$33.65College and other vocational instructors
4032A10,100$32.05Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
4152A2,800$30.00Social workers
4153A2,600$26.74مشاوره خانواده، ازدواج و موضوعات مرتبطFamily, marriage and other related counsellors
4161A1,300$35.00کارشناس، مشاور و پژوهشگر سیاست گذاری علوم طبیعی و کاربردیNatural and applied science policy researchers,
consultants and program officers
4163A3,300$31.25Business development officers and marketing
researchers and consultants
4165A1,800$30.42کارشناس، مشاور و پژوهشگر سیاست گزاری بهداشت و درمانHealth policy researchers, consultants and program officers
5121A2,100$25.48نویسنده و مولفAuthors and writers
5131A3,000$26.44Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
1212B1,300$28.72Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers
1215B2,700$22.00 Supervisors, supply chain, tracking and
scheduling co-ordination occupations
1221B17,100$23.38کارشناس امور اداریAdministrative officers
1222B2,200$25.50Executive assistants
1223B1,400$27.00Human resources and recruitment officers
1224B4,000$20.00مدیر ساختمان و مجتمع مسکونی یا اداریProperty administrators
1241B9,700$22.00دستیار امور اداریAdministrative assistants
1242B2,700$24.00Legal administrative assistants
1243B2,000$22.00Medical administrative assistants
1311B10,600$20.83تکنسین حسابداریAccounting technicians and bookkeepers
1312B1,500$31.00Insurance adjusters and claims examiners
1315B300$21.85Customs, ship and other brokers
2242B3,000$23.00Electronic service technicians
(household and business equipment)
2271B1,600N/Aخلبان، مهندس پرواز و مدرس پروازAirline pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
2281B3,300$33.65Computer network technicians
2282B2,200$28.97User support technicians
3216B743$37.11 Sonographers
3233B9,612$27.00Licensed practical nurses
4211B1,500$27.00Paralegal and related occupations
4212B11,800$19.50Social and community service workers
4214B8,900$16.95Early childhood educators and assistants
B3,800$40.00افسر پلیسPolice officers (except commissioned)
4313B1200$28.21Non-commissioned ranks of the Canadian Armed Forces
5241B5,000$25.50طراح و گرافیستGraphic designers and illustrators
5254B4,900$20.00Program leaders and instructors in
recreation, sport and fitness


B2,800$18.27Retail sales supervisors
6221B4,600$25.38Technical sales specialists - wholesale trade
6231B3,500$22.00کارشناس بیمهInsurance agents and brokers
6232B7,100$44,753*کارشناس و مشاور املاکReal estate agents and salespersons*
6235B3,300$23.08Financial sales representatives


B5,000$14.00آرایشگرHairstylists and barbers
7315B1,400$34.00Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors
7321B6,400$28.00تعمیرکار و مکانیک خودرو سبک و سنگینAutomotive service technicians, truck and bus
mechanics and mechanical repairers
1511C1,300$18.00Mail, postal and related workers
1512C1,600$25.00Letter carriers
1513C1,800$12.50Couriers, messengers and door-to-door distributors
3413C34,717$21.00Health care assistants
4411C4,700$12.00Home childcare providers
4412C7,100$16.75Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations


C8,200$11.35Food and beverage servers
7513C2,900$15.38Taxi and limousine drivers and chauffeurs


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